There’s lots of talk about the ease and convenience of Enlist® herbicides compared to in-crop dicamba herbicides.
“Weather patterns and weed escapes work on their own schedule, not yours,” said AgVenture Product Manager Jeff Shaner. “The Enlist® weed control system allows you to take back control of when and how you initiate your plan of attack in the field.”
“Working with products that are easy to work into your schedule versus ones that have hard and fast deadlines can help ease stress for everyone,” AgVenture Product Manager Louis Sutton added.
Here are a few of the many reasons why it’s America’s fastest-growing trait herbicide system:
No calendar cutoff date
There are NO calendar date restrictions for application of Enlist herbicides. In cases of delayed spring planting, farmers don’t have to worry about racing the calendar to complete application.
Regardless of soybean growth stage, in-crop dicamba herbicides CANNOT BE SPRAYED AFTER JUNE 30. This federal cutoff date for in-crop dicamba herbicides can pose challenges in years where planting is delayed.
Spray any time of day
There are no time-of-day restrictions for applying Enlist herbicides. Farmers can enjoy more time to plan their application and work around potential weather issues.
In-crop dicamba herbicides can only be sprayed between one hour after sunrise to two hours before sunset, decreasing the time for application.
Can spray when soybeans are downwind
In this scenario, Enlist herbicides CAN be sprayed, because soybeans are not a susceptible crop.
In this scenario, in-crop dicamba herbicides CAN’T be sprayed, because non-dicamba tolerant soybeans (a sensitive crop) are downwind.
™ ® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3® soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Corteva Agriscience and M.S. Technologies L.L.C. Enlist Duo® and Enlist One® herbicides are not registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your area. Enlist Duo and Enlist One are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use with Enlist crops. Consult Enlist herbicide labels for weed species controlled. Always read and follow label directions. © 2023 Corteva.