Seeds for Success

What happens when elite, high yielding and agronomically strong genetics hit the market with a trait that delivers performance and flexibility advantages over current options? For the answer, look no further than the rapid success of Enlist E3® soybeans. Enlist E3 soybeans are the #1 selling herbicide tolerant soybean technology in the U.S. Enlist E3 is the new standard for weed control and yield performance for growers. Now this advanced option comes to you in the newest above-ground traited corn option — PowerCore® Enlist® corn, fueled by the muscle of Corteva Agriscience’s elite corn germplasm. 

Are you ready?
AgVenture brand PowerCore Enlist corn is a combination of above-ground pest control, herbicide tolerance and elite genetics for clean fields and happy neighbors. The above-ground control is truly local and truly ready to work in fields like yours.  

See the power — plan for success
Testing has shown promising yield potential for PowerCore Enlist hybrids. Yet many AgVenture farmers saw the pluses of PowerCore Enlist corn in the field for the first time this season. It’s no secret the industry is moving in this direction, so now‘s the time to make your plans to take the lead once again with the Enlist® weed control system — this time in corn.   

PowerCore Enlist trait package compared to VT Double PRO® corn
Elite genetics, agronomics, and yield potential are not the end of the PowerCore Enlist corn story. When you compare it the older VT Double PRO® corn package, PowerCore Enlist corn delivers more (see graphic). An additional mode of action against above-ground pests, plus the convenience, flexibility and “neighbor-friendly” benefit of the Enlist® weed control system delivers clear advantages against yesterday’s “old standby.”  

PowerCore® Enlist® corn technology-suite 

  • Diverse lineup of high yield potential genetics 
  • Wide range of maturities in both integrated refuge (Refuge Advanced) and structured refuge options for cotton-growing regions (see here) 
  • Right genetics with strong agronomics, traits, and management practices for a whole-farm solution 
  • Multi-year testing for proven yield and agronomics 


  • 3 modes of action for long-lasting protection against broad-spectrum above-ground pests 
  • Greater black cutworm protection: ~35% reduction compared to VT Double PRO corn 
  • Options for areas needing extra protection against fall armyworm and western bean cutworm 


  • Multiple tolerances: glyphosate, glufosinate,* 2,4-D choline and FOP herbicides** for maximum flexibility 
  • Can use Enlist® herbicides to control late-season broadleaves, e.g., waterhemp, Palmer amaranth 
  • Enlist herbicides stay on target 
  • Application up to 30” corn (48” if using drop nozzles) 


The bottom line — PowerCore Enlist corn — the advanced combination
Put the power of PowerCore Enlist trait technology and elite genetics to work in your field with AgVenture brand corn. Then get ready to experience a new level of excitement and a new option in weed control, convenience, and performance. Get ready now for the new era of PowerCore Enlist corn. It’s the whole-farm solution for clean fields, happy neighbors, and best-fit, high-performing genetics. 


POWERCORE® is a registered trademark of Bayer Group. POWERCORE® multi-event technology developed by Corteva Agriscience and Bayer Group. Always follow IRM, grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Bt products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your seed representative for the registration status in your state.  The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3® soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Corteva Agriscience and M.S. Technologies L.L.C.

Following burndown, Enlist Duo® and Enlist One® herbicides with Colex-D® technology are the only herbicides containing 2,4-D that are authorized for preemergence and postemergence use with Enlist® crops. Consult Enlist® herbicide labels for weed species controlled. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are not registered for use or sale in all states and counties; are not registered in AK, CA, CT, HI, ID, MA, ME, MT, NH, NV, OR, RI, UT, VT, WA and WY; and have additional subcounty restrictions in AL, GA, TN and TX, while existing county restrictions still remain in FL. All users must check “Bulletins Live! Two” no earlier than six months before using Enlist One or Enlist Duo. To obtain “Bulletins,” consult, call 1-844-447-3813, or email . You must use the “Bulletin” valid for the month and state and county in which Enlist One or Enlist Duo are being applied. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency if you have questions about the registration status of Enlist® herbicides in your area. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL AND STATE LAW TO USE ANY PESTICIDE PRODUCT OTHER THAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS LABELING. ONLY USE FORMULATIONS THAT ARE SPECIFICALLY LABELED FOR SUCH USE IN THE STATE OF APPLICATION. USE OF PESTICIDE PRODUCTS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, 2,4-D-CONTAINING PRODUCTS NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE WITH ENLIST CROPS, MAY RESULT IN OFF-TARGET DAMAGE TO SENSITIVE CROPS/AREAS AND/OR SUSCEPTIBLE PLANTS, IN ADDITION TO CIVIL AND/ OR CRIMINAL PENALTIES. Additional product-specific stewardship requirements for Enlist crops, including the Enlist Product Use Guide, can be found at Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are registered trademarks of BASF. Roundup® and Roundup Ready® are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. Always read and follow label directions. 

**Not all FOP herbicides are labeled for use in Bt corn products with the Enlist® trait. Before use, review the product label to ensure the product is labeled for use on Bt corn with the Enlist trait. 


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Hear what farmers are saying

“I use AgVenture because of their excellent products, service, and agronomic support. When we need something they respond quickly. I can’t think of any reason why we wouldn’t use AgVenture. AgVenture stressed the importance of new technology on our farm and is helping us maximize our yield maps, soil grid maps, and fertilizer application data. I do business with AgVenture because they are very trustworthy and service oriented.”

- Kansas Farmer

“We’ve had the AgVenture Spangler 'Training Plots' for several years. The plots help us in our corn and soybean selections. For 3 generations, we have been using AgVenture Spangler products.”

- Wisconsin Farmer

“I consider everyone at AgVenture a friend and I can tell that they are really looking out for me and my farming operation. AgVenture is an easy company to work with and you cannot beat the service. When I have questions about my crops I call AgVenture and they are here right away helping me find the answer.”

- Kansas Farmer

“An AgVenture Yield Specialist showed me what my yields could be with AgVenture seed and I thought they were impossible because they were so good.”

- Nebraska Farmer