Plant 2021: Confused Corn
What is Confused Corn Syndrome? Otherwise known as imbibitional chilling, it occurs when a corn seedling does not have a controlled soil temperature to grow in.
What is Confused Corn Syndrome? Otherwise known as imbibitional chilling, it occurs when a corn seedling does not have a controlled soil temperature to grow in.
Everywhere you tune in, folks are saying you should plant your soybeans early. Chances are you know several neighbors who did just that this spring. The recent cold snap may have dampened your enthusiasm some for such an adventure, but the truth of the matter is this: for top yield potential, your soybeans would love to be planted in the same chronology as the optimal time for corn planting in your region.
A warm spell this spring has a lot of growers out in the fields earlier than what they may usually be. Most planting will be firing up here in the next couple of weeks in the center of the Corn Belt, so it is good as time as any to remind yourself of some key things to remember as we dive into the season.
The start of the 2021 growing season is practically upon us in the central Corn Belt. Some brave souls have put a few beans in, and the delta is off to an early start with corn at V2 growth stage. My question is, is everyone ready to embrace this potentially wild and lucrative ride??
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