Take Precautions with Planting Decisions
As farmers you have really two times to impact your bottom line: one is at planting and the other is harvest.

Planting Season is Just Around the Corner
Have you and your money-making team all but finalized all the details of your cropping plan, including yield enhancement tactics and establishing the highest of standards to accomplish all those tactics?

Blazing New Trails
Practices that are part of our proprietary Maximum Profit System™ (MPS) can and likely will lead to higher yields and increased profitability. Hear how Mike Davis and Russell Hedrick are blazing new trails with their MPS practices, and how they’ve been successful.

Are You Prepared for the 2023 Growing Season?
There are only a couple of weeks until corn planting begins. Corn and soybean prices are still very strong/favorable. Natural gas prices have fallen, and thus some/most nitrogen prices have eased up. Dry fertilizer prices have also come down. Dry or droughty concerns have lessened in the western cornbelt as a whole, but there is still a ways to go to be able to replenish soil profiles. Are you ready for the 2023 growing season?